Measuring the Impact of Training

Based on a study conducted by the ROI Institute, CEO’s want to see how their training organizations are helping drive the top business measures of the organization and the resulting return on investment but 90% of training organizations are not providing this information (at least according to their CEO’s).  Perhaps you are frustrated with restricted training budgets and not feeling like you have a “seat at the table”.   Likely the reason you are experiencing this is that the C-level doesn’t understand the value you are bringing to the organization.  If there’s room for you to improve your understanding of the “how” and “why” of measuring the impact of training, I ran across an excellent resource for you.  Consider whether any of these resources on the Bellevue University website will help you (create a free account on the Bellevue site to access the articles):

Turning Analytics into Action: Executing a Business Impact Study in Your Organization – You’ll find a video and slide  presentation on how a collection of Fortune 500 companies measured the impact of training including ideas that you can apply. Go here.

Analyze the Return on Workforce Investments  – Download the presentation from a Bellevue University professor on how to demonstrate the impact that your training investments are having on your organization’s Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).  Go here

 Effectively Implementing and Measuring Social Learning – Perhaps you are implementing learning through social media channels and you are wondering if and how this impact can be measured.  If so, go here.  

What are the reasons you haven’t measured the impact of training?  Lack of knowledge?  Lack of reliable data?  No one has asked for the information?  Don’t let these reasons stand in your way.  Your opportunity to positively impact the organization through people development depends on your ability to demonstrate the value of everything that is being invested right now.




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