The Overlooked Element of Creativity

Do you want to know the secret to creativity?  It’s focus.  Most people remember that it’s important to defer judgment and look for unique combinations but until you focus, creativity rarely happens.  And the narrower you make your focus, the greater the likelihood that you will achieve a breakthrough idea.  In other words, if you shrink the size of the box, it’s easier to think outside the box!

Alex Osborne produced a list of “idea spurring questions” to narrow focus in order to produce more creative ideas.  Focus on these questions to find the next creative solution to a problem that is plaguing your organization:

Ask yourself the questions listed above as you focus on ways to overcome your biggest obstacles.  Narrow your focus and expand your results…it may seem counter-intuitive, but it works.



Creative Problem Solving | Problem Solving Training | Decision Making | Teaching Critical Thinking Skills | Critical Thinking